Geometry in the culture of the XX-XXI centuries
Geometry in the culture of the XX-XXI centuries
To the centenary of the Bauhaus
National Centre for Contemporary Arts
(NCCA) - Moscow Branch
24 Oct 2019 - 26 Jan 2020
On October 24, 2019, the first part of the large-scale exhibition "Geometry in the Culture of the XX-XXI Centuries. Towards the Centenary of the Bauhaus" will open in the building of ROSIZO-National Centre for Contemporary Art in Moscow. A culture built on structural imagery has the rare gift of finding equilibrium points in those moments when the world loses visible stability and its essence is on the verge of defenselessness. Art in this position with a pulsating progressive perseverance begins to ask questions, provoking cultural memory. Its signals, like flashes, destroy the stability of the clichés of past visual strategies, while returning to those artistic evidences that have the ability to determine the coordinates of existence. ... View more